To Carb or Not to Carb?


To Carb or Not to Carb?

That is the question, isn’t it?  I know the keto craze is strong right now, but I am here to tell you that you do not have to eliminate all carbohydrates from your diet for ever and ever.  First of all, it’s just not sustainable.  I mean, I can’t imagine life without a carb ever again, and frankly I don’t want to.  So, rather than focusing on eliminating ALL carbs from your diet, take a look at where your carbs are coming from and make some healthy changes. 

Carbs are not inherently bad.  What we have done to many of them is bad, and where we tend to get our carbs from can certainly be improved.  When talking about carbs, I recommend that people focus on eating high fiber carbohydrates.  Yes, carbs come from sugar, sweets, breads, pastas, sodas, and many highly processed sources, but carbs also come from fruits and vegetables.  Instead of eliminating all the carbs, try switching up your carb sources and incorporating healthy fruits and veggies into your life.  You don’t need the highly processed stuff, but your body does love the nutrients and antioxidants it gets from carbs like sweet potatoes and berries.

One easy way to know if it’s a high fiber carb is to choose a fruit, vegetable, or grain that is still in its natural state.  For example, an apple with the skin on, as if you just plucked it from the tree.  Or, a sweet potato with the skin on, like you yanked it right out of the ground.  If you’re having grains, eat the whole grain (like some quinoa) rather than white flour that has been processed and stripped of its fiber and healthy nutritional value. 

Here’s another way of looking at it:  An apple = carbohydrates.  A bowl of Apple Jacks = carbohydrates.  One of those is still in its natural state with lots of fiber still in tact and one has been processed beyond recognition. Your body would love that apple, but the Apple Jacks - not so much.      

Carbs come in all sorts of shapes, sizes, and quality. I wouldn't recommend living the keto life forever.   It's not necessary and it's not healthy long term to cut out huge food groups and one whole macronutrient from your life.  It’s also sad to think you can never eat a cookie ever again.  Your body needs carbohydrates to thrive.  High fiber carbohydrates are a great source of fuel, fiber, vitamins and minerals. 

So, to carb or not to carb?  Carb, my friends.  But choose high fiber carbs like fruits and veggies and find a healthy balance with a diet you can sustain.       

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