The Hard Truth About Your Metabolism

Spoiler alert: Healing your metabolism is going to take time and effort.  

It’s going to take some discipline, and it’s going to take change.  BUT, you can do it.

We don’t want to hear that things are going to take work, we want things to be easy.  We don’t want to hear that healing is going to take time, we want things to be better now.  We don’t want to hear that we are going to have to say no to some things that we want at the moment, we want what we want when we want it.  We don’t want to hear that for things to change we have to be the ones who change them.  We don’t want to hear that we can’t keep doing what we have been doing and expect a different result.  

I’m here to offer you a little reality check, because why the heck not.  I think we all need to wake up a little bit and start taking responsibility for who we are and who we are becoming.

Comfort is the culprit.  

Gary Brecka said that aging is the aggressive pursuit of comfort.  And I whole-heartedly agree.  I also think we can take that one step further and talk about our health overall, and specifically our metabolism.  Our desire to be comfortable, to do the easy thing, to conserve energy is so engrained in us as humans.  But it’s also what is keeping us stuck, making us sicker and more unhealthy every day.    

We overeat for comfort.  
We’re lazy because it’s comfortable.  
We point the finger at everyone else or our circumstances because it’s comfortable.  
We think the same thoughts on repeat because they are easy and comfortable.  
We continue the same habits because they are comfortable.  
We make excuses because it’s comfortable.
We stay the same because it’s comfortable.  

We have to override that innate desire for comfort and start doing the work to get a little bit uncomfortable, because that is where change happens.

Discipline is uncomfortable.
Exercise is uncomfortable.
Resting is uncomfortable.
Sitting still with ourselves is uncomfortable.
Setting boundaries and holding them is uncomfortable.
Looking in the mirror and calling ourselves out on our BS is uncomfortable.
Holding ourselves accountable is uncomfortable.
Changing our thoughts is hard and uncomfortable.
Not making excuses is uncomfortable.
Doing the hard work is uncomfortable.
Changing is uncomfortable.

If you want things to change in your life, with your health, with your body, then you are going to have to get uncomfortable.  And if you aren’t willing to do that, then nothing is going to change.

You’re going to have to look deeper.

If you truly want to change your health, your body, your metabolism, then at some point you’re going to have to take a deeper look at yourself.  It’s time to look in the mirror and call yourself out for your excuses.  Don’t tolerate them anymore.  Respect yourself enough to set boundaries, hold them, and stick to the commitments you make to yourself. 

Get to the guts of why you do what you do so you can change it there, at the roots.  That’s the only place that real, sustainable change is going to come from. Take responsibility for your health and happiness.  Educate yourself about your body, what you eat, what you think about, and why they matter. 

Sure, you could go on another diet and lose a few pounds, again, but what happens when that diet is over?  Do you go back to the same old habits?  Probably.  Instead of just changing what you’re doing, start changing the why behind it and I guarantee things will look different. 

It’s going to take time.

Changing your health, improving your metabolism, healing your body, they are all going to take time.  You didn’t get to the place that you are now overnight, so don’t expect healing to happen overnight either.  Change is not linear, there will be ups and downs, ebbs and flows, but if you are committed to yourself, your goals, and the person you are becoming, then you ride those waves and learn a lot along the way. 

Give yourself grace as you work through the process of healing your body and your metabolism.  Know that you will not be perfect, and that it will take time, and that’s ok.  Every single choice you make is another chance to get closer to or farther away from your goal.  Take it one choice at a time.   

If you are ready to take radical responsibility for your health and start doing the work to make real, sustainable change, then check out Mind Your Metabolism.  It’s my signature 6 week program for the mentally & metabolically burnt out who are ready to change their health and their lives. Or download my FREE guide to 5 Simple Ways to Optimize Your Metabolism Optimize Your Metabolism now. now.

Now go do something uncomfortable.

6 Ways You Are Secretly Sabotaging Your Metabolism