5 Simple Ways to Optimize Your Metabolism (+ FREE guide)

Your metabolism is so much more than how quickly you burn calories.  It’s the whole-body system that determines how efficiently you take the food that you eat and turn it into energy for your body to use to do all the things it needs to do.  

It’s the engine that keeps your body running, impacting everything from energy levels, to mood, to your ability to burn fat and lose weight, regulate your hormones, and so much more.  

The good news? 

If you feel like your metabolism is on the fritz, there are a few simple, intentional changes you can make every single day to help your body feel safe and your metabolism thrive.  Here are five effective ways to keep your metabolic engine burning, AND BONUS, my free guide to Optimizing Your Metabolism!

1. Start Your Day with Intention

I know that sounds simple - and probably like it has nothing to do with your metabolism- but trust me on this one. 

There are 2 reasons why starting your day with intention is important for your metabolism.  

The first reason is that as humans we have 2 branches of our nervous system, which determines the overall environment of our bodies. We have fight or flight mode (aka, stress), and rest and digest mode (aka, calm). 

When we get stuck living in fight or flight mode we end up pumping out stress hormones all the time.  These hormones, like cortisol, wreak havoc on your metabolism.  Living in stress mode tells your body that it isn’t safe.  When your body doesn’t feel safe, it starts to pull back on energy production (your metabolism) in case there is a big threat and it needs to conserve energy to survive that threat.  So, your metabolism takes a hit the longer you stay in a state of chronic stress. 

Starting your day with intention allows you time to shift out of fight or flight mode and into a calm, restful state, letting your body know it’s safe, there is not big threat, and it’s ok to keep on burning.   

The second reason is that starting your day with intention helps you take control of your thoughts, and the state of your nervous system, from the moment you get up in the morning.  Starting your day with awareness, peace, and intention around the choices you plan to make that day goes a long way.  If you set the intention to fuel your body well, exercise, be present, and keep your thoughts from spiraling into stress mode, you are planning to support your metabolism with each choice you make that day.  

Spend just 5-10 minutes first thing in the morning practicing deep breathing, meditation, or gratitude journaling. This simple ritual reduces stress, improves focus, and primes your body to function efficiently for the rest of the day.

I created 10 Minutes of Intention as a simple tool to help you start your day with intention and create a habit of morning mindfulness that will impact both your mindset and your metabolism. 

Quick Tip: Try combining your mindfulness with sunlight exposure by doing your morning routine outside. Natural light helps regulate your circadian rhythm, which plays a vital role in how you sleep at night and ultimately how your metabolism functions.

2. Move Your Body

Regular exercise is one of the most effective ways to boost your metabolism. You don’t need to spend hours at the gym—even small bursts of activity can make a difference. Instead of focusing only on cardio, make sure you add strength training to your routine as well. Lifting builds muscle which is a key factor in maintaining a high metabolic rate.

On top of your workouts, it’s also important to add in more daily movement.  Workouts only account for a small percentage of our daily caloric burn.  Something called non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT) movement accounts for even more.  This is basically everything we do that is not exercise - think, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, going for walks, dancing, going food shopping and walking the isles instead of ordering groceries online, cleaning the house, etc.  As you increase your NEAT movement, you increase your total metabolic burn throughout the day.   

Quick Tip: For better blood sugar control, which ultimately impacts your ability to burn fat efficiently, go for a walk after you eat.  Moving your body for just 10-15 minutes after eating can help your body stay out of fat storing mode and shift into a metabolic burning mode instead.

3. Eat Real, Whole Foods

What you eat has a direct impact on your metabolism. Highly processed foods can slow it down, while whole, nutrient-dense foods provide the fuel your body needs to function optimally. 

The easy way to remember what to eat is using the acronym PHFC.

Protein, Healthy Fat, and High Fiber Carbohydrates.  When you balance your plate with each of these macronutrients, it keeps you fuller longer, requires more energy to digest, and helps stabilize your blood sugar so your energy levels stay consistent all day. It also helps you avoid constant cravings, and allows your body gets more efficient at burning fat. Which is a huge win when it comes to your metabolism! 

Quick Tip: Try meal prepping to ensure you always have healthy options on hand. This reduces the temptation to skip meals or reach for processed convenience foods.

4. Prioritize Quality Sleep

Sleep is a cornerstone of a healthy metabolism.  While you’re sleeping your body works hard to bring you back to balance.  It’s a time when your hormones regulate, your body takes out the trash and waste from the day before, your brain rests, processes the events of the day, and regulates your emotions.  

Aim for 7-9 hours of uninterrupted sleep each night and establish a consistent sleep schedule to support your body’s natural rhythms.  If you’re struggling to fall asleep, stay asleep, and wake up feeling rested, try getting outside first thing in the morning and getting some sunlight in your eyes.  Make sure you get outside throughout the day, too, as sunlight helps set your circadian rhythm, and promotes a great night of sleep once it’s dark out. 

Quick Tip: Create a calming bedtime routine by avoiding screens an hour before bed, dimming the lights, and practicing relaxation techniques like reading or meditating.

5. Replenish Your Minerals

Minerals play a critical role in metabolic processes. Key minerals like sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium support energy production, thyroid function, and muscle recovery. Unfortunately, modern diets often lack these vital nutrients and we burn through our minerals in times of stress and when we sweat.

We are all pretty depleted when it comes to our minerals.  Incorporating mineral-rich foods is a great place to start, as well as a daily mineral mocktail to start replenishing our minerals and giving our metabolism a super-charged boost.

Quick Tip: A simple way to start adding minerals to your diet is by adding some coconut water and a pinch of sea salt to your water each day.  There are also great products out there like Rayvi, LMNT, and Adrenal Cocktail Powder.

Final Thoughts

Optimizing your metabolism doesn’t have to be complicated. In fact, the secret is creating good, consistent habits in the little, everyday stuff. By incorporating mindfulness, regular movement, whole foods, quality sleep, and essential minerals into your daily routine, you’ll give your body the support it needs to thrive. Start small by focusing on one or two of these habits, and watch how they transform how you feel over time.

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